Unexpected Summer Tips Part 3: Appliance Edition 

This summer series is brought to you by Austin-based Home Inspector Butch Gilley. Inspect with Precision aims to deliver bite-sized tips that are simple and affordable that can be taken week after week to summer-proof your home for 100+ degree weather. 

This weeks tip is actually a series of tips focused on appliances. Each task takes less than 10 minutes and may seem a bit daunting, but taken one day at a time, it can lead to reduced energy consumption and keep your home safe.

Video showing how to clean refrigerator coils.

  1. Clean Fridge Coils

    It’s simple: pull out your fridge and behind it you’ll find coils. Remove the access panel and use a vacuum to clean off the coils. Next, use brushes to detail clean between the coils.

  2. Defrost freezer

    Does your freezer have built up ice and frost inside? This frost actually causes your freezer to run harder than it needs to. Defrost and give your freezer a chance to start again and be as energy efficient as possible.

  3. Clean Dryer (Lint Trap and Exhaust)

    Everyone knows to clean the lint trap to reduce fire hazards in the home— did you know that you can clean the exhaust once a year as well? Remember to unplug your dryer first.

4. A/C Filter Replacement

Replacing your filters is one task you do not want to forget in the summer. Clogged filters require the A/C to work harder increasing your energy bill unnecessarily.

That’s it for this week’s tips. Did you try any for yourself? Drop us a line or let us know on any of our social media accounts.

If you’re interested in taking the stress out of your home Central Texas home inspection, schedule your inspection with Butch from Precision Property Inspections here.


Your Home Inspection: What’s Included


Unexpected Summer Tips Part 2: Water Foundation